1. Internships and additional funding support for conservation, education and restoration programs for summer and fall 2019, Coal Oil Point Reserve
Included funding for 35 interns.
Total funding: $10,570.98
2. The Impact of Small Mammals on Grassland Restoration Success, EEMB
Included funding for 1 intern.
Total funding: $2,835.30
3. Kelp forest and rocky reef monitoring student fellowship, MSI
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $6,680.88
4. Lobster aggregations form biogeochemical hotspots that structure benthic communities in kelp forests, MSI
Included funding for 1 intern.
Total funding: $7,398.82
5. Assessment of severity and distribution of drought-induced fungal pathogens in coastal big berry manzanita, EEMB
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $4,762.16
6. Fostering a Lifelong Fascination With Nature, NatureTrack
Included funding for 20 interns.
Total funding: $9,7506.
7. It’s APPening!, MSI
Included funding for 4 interns.
Total funding: $9,069.96
8. REEFunds for Undergraduates, MSI
Included funding for 9 interns.
Total funding: $13,145.10
9. Restoration Interns: Fall 2019, Winter & Spring 2020, CCBER
Included funding for 5 interns.
Total funding: $6,750
10. Goleta Watershed Protection and Creek Cleanup Program, EDC
Included funding for 1 intern.
Total funding: $6,042.94
11. Adopt-A-Block, Isla Vista Recreation & Park District
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $6,348
12. Exploring plankton diversity in the Santa Barbara Channel, ERI
Included funding for 3 interns.
Total funding: $2,751.30
13. Greenhouse Gas Fluxes of an Intermittently Tidal Salt Marsh, ERI
Included funding for 11 interns.
Total funding: $16,324.561
14. GIVE Benefit Sale, GIVE! to Isla Vista
Included funding for 6 interns.
Total funding: $7,693.76
15. Santa Ynez Mountains Area Invasive Plant Eradication and Microtrash Removal Project, Los Padres Forest Watch
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $3,743
16. Supporting Student Internships in the UCSB Invertebrate Zoology Collection, EEMB
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $500
17. Promotion and Outreach for the Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration, CCBER
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $500
18. Impacts of natural disasters on the native Olympia oyster in the Santa Barbara watershed, The Bren School
Included funding for 1 intern.
Total funding: $1,000
19. Improving the long-term success of vernal pool restoration through thatch manipulation, EEMB
Included funding for 1 intern.
Total funding: $1,000
20. Mutt Mitts, Isla Vista Recreation & Park District
Total funding: $700
21. UCSB Ladybug Study, CCBER
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $1,000
22. Detritivore arthropods of the UCSB North Campus Open Space, CCBER
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $1,000
23. Conservation Physiology of Carpenteria Salt Marsh Fish, EEMB
Included funding for 1 intern.
Total funding: $1,000
24. Monitoring the invasive grass species of Los Padres National Forest, EEMB
Included funding for 1 intern.
Total funding: $970
25. Environmental factors influencing surf zone fish biodiversity, MSI
Included funding for 2 interns.
Total funding: $991.19
26. Investigating the synergistic impact of elevated temperature and carbon dioxide on a phytoplankton species from the Santa Barbara Channel, MSI
Included funding for 1 intern.
Total funding: $965.02