Projects Funded: 14
Total Amount Distributed: $99,171.87
Baron Ranch West Ridge Trail Environmental Analysis
Total Amount Distributed: $15,000
The SBTC proposes to construct a 3.4-mile extension of the County’s existing Baron Ranch Trail up the coastal front country of the Santa Ynez Mountains to the mountain crest.
For more information visit
Interns and Supplies for Deveraux Native Tree Nursery Project
Total Amount Distributed: $6,390.00
Goleta Valley Beautiful is growing 2,000 native trees and planting an average of 500 trees annually in public areas of Goleta Valley including the UCSB campus that will protect and enhance watersheds leading to the ocean.
For more information visit
GreenScreen Environmental Media Program
Amount Funded: $7,450.00
Environmental filmmakers translate pressing coastal issues in the UCSB area to a broad audience. GreenScreen prioritizes distribution, sending these videos to classes around campus, showing them on the local Santa Barbara Channels, University of California Television, at environmental film festivals and on the intenet.
For more information visit
Reef Check California
Amount Funded: $11,000.00
Reef Check California is a community-based monitoring organization dedicated to conserving California’s rocky reef ecosystem. Coastal Fund is supporting staff training and surveys, providing UCSB with increased opportunities for immersion learning, field experience, and active engagement in marine processes in California.
For more information visit
Recovery of Ecological Integrity at Santa Clara River
Amount Funded: $6,975.00
This project will research the adverse affects of invasive species on aquatic systems. It will assess how the removal of Arundo donax and re-vegetation with native species will improve water quality.
Enhancing Hands-on Environmental Analysis of the Coastal Environment
Amount Funded: $2,779.47
This project will deploy new sensors, barometric pressure sensors and an infrared radiometer, which will be performed with undergraduate interns and will enhance the classroom experience in several Geography courses.
Amount Funded: $480.00
This will fund a week long summer camp at Goleta Beach centered on coastal stewardship and inter-tidal ecology.
For more information visit
Beaches as Threatened Ecosystems: Evaluating Trends in the Ecology of California’s Sandy Beaches
Amount Funded: $8,300.00
This project will retrieve, archive and compile historical datasets, calibrate sampling methodologies, and survey legacy sites to reconstruct a 30+ year record used to identify and evaluate trends in California’s beach ecosystems.
Restoration Intern Training Program
Amount Funded: $3,600.00
Students will participate in CCBER restoration work in multiple sites and habitats from the Campus Lagoon Dune and Bluff restoration to Storke Wetland.
For more information visit
Amount Funded: $11,086.00
This program will establish partnerships with agencies that work on coastal development issues. Student interns will have the opportunity to learn about coastal policy and its applications as well as the relevance to the ecological integrity and preservation of our shoreline.
For more information visit
Raptor Watch: Birds of Prey of the USCB campus
Amount Funded: $1,000.00
This project will finalize text, select photographs, and print 75 copies of Raptor Watch, a field identification guide of the birds of prey that can be found on the ecologically important habitats of the UCSB campus.
For more information visit
Campus Point Lifeguard Service
Amount Funded: $8,145.00
This program will provide professional lifeguard service at Campus Point during the busiest days of the summer to enhance the safety of the public.
For more information visit
Current Conservation Challenges and Oportunities in the Santa Barbara Channel: Ocean Acidification
Amount Funded: $14,000.00
This project will help develop a PSA distribution campaign and convening, filming, and disseminating an educational workshop to inform the campus community about this emerging challenge to the world’s oceans.
For more information visit
Water Quality Testing Internship
Amount Funded: $466.00
Intern will collect and test water samples from specific sites in order to analyze the quality of our coastal waters. The information collected will be available to the public on the Coastal Fund website as well as the Isla Vista Surfrider website.