Coastal Fund is a great source of support for a wide array of projects, but we can’t cover everything. Here are a few other excellent ways to get your project funded:
UCSB Specific Funding Sources
- UCSB Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities – Covers up to $750 in expenses for undergraduate and transfer-student research projects and up to $250 for conferences
- Gene and Susan Lucas Undergraduate Research Fund – Supports research for first-generation undergraduate UCSB students in the STEM fields, including stipends, required research materials, travel, conferences, or field experience
- Hanson Family Scholars Fund – Provides funding for undergraduate student conference travel and expenses
- Graduate Student Association Funding – Offers funding for graduate student conference travel, summer internships, student org events, emergency support and childcare
- Doctoral Student Travel Grant – Supports graduate students who have been invited to present at a meeting or conference
- Individualized Professional Skills Program – Awards up to $1000 for UCSB graduate students and postdoctoral scholars from any discipline for outside professional development opportunities
- Open Access Publishing Fund – Offers reimbursement for processing fees for articles published in eligible open-access journals
- The Green Initiative Fund – Funds programming and improvements to the UCSB campus that have positive environmental impacts
- Associated Students (AS) Finance and Business Committee – Funds a wide array of requests for registered student organizations
- Community Affairs Board – Funds registered student organizations and Isla Vista nonprofits with volunteer/community programming
- Department-specific sources – Most departments have internal sources of funding that students within that department can request to offset various expenses, check within your department
- Conference-specific awards – Most conferences will have a scholarship fund or ability to reduce registration costs for students