Coastal Fund supports a wide variety of projects each quarter by providing funding for Student Jobs and Internships. Last quarter, we funded over 120 student positions. Check out some of the great opportunities available with the organizations we sponsor.
Internship Opportunities
LiMPETS Internships for Biological Monitoring and Environmental Education
LiMPETS (Long-term Monitoring Program and Experiential Training for Students) is a California-based environmental monitoring and education program for students, educators, and volunteer groups ( We have three inter-meshed project goals: coastal stewardship, hands-on education and scientific data collection. We expect approximately 200 high school students from Northern Santa Barbara County to participate both in the classroom and at field sites at Campus Point and Coal Oil Point by June 2015. This program is administered through the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and supported by a Fall 2015 grant from UCSB’s Coastal Fund.
LiMPETS has established protocols and permanent sites for both rocky intertidal and sand beach ecosystems. Students learn about the Scientific Method, oceanographic processes and localized conditions that control and affect coastal marine life. In the classroom they practice identifying key tidepool and beach species, and then take those skills into the field for monitoring at an established site. A public-access database houses student-collected data, and helps to provide a regional context for patterns of distribution and abundance measured during the field trip. LiMPETS is designed to provide authentic, hands-on coastal monitoring experiences that empower participants to experience real science and serve as ocean stewards. The program fits nicely into the Next Generation Science Standards, as it emphasizes experiential learning and can fit into a multi- disciplinary context. In some urban communities that we serve, most students have never been to the beach prior to the experience of a LiMPETS field trip.
Open Internship Positions:
We have Coastal Fund internship stipends available for two highly qualified UCSB undergraduates each quarter who can dedicate at least 50 hours with our program. In addition, we also have a position available each quarter (on an hourly basis) to conduct several visitor use surveys at two different sites (Campus Point and Coal Oil Point, < 25 hrs per quarter).
Winter Quarter: two positions with stipends available immediately. We are looking for upper-division individuals with an academic interest in marine biology and community ecology, specifically in the rocky intertidal, and/or an interest in a career in environmental education and teaching at the K-12 level. Training will occur ASAP, with some flexibility in timing but dependant upon low tides. Participation on specific dates will required, dates pending.
Spring Quarter: two positions available at the beginning of the quarter. We are looking for upper-division individuals with an academic interest in marine biology and community ecology, specifically in sand beach ecosystems, and/or an interest in a career in environmental education and teaching at the K-12 level. Internship Responsibilities
Interns will learn rocky intertidal (Winter Quarter) or sand beach (Spring Quarter) monitoring protocols and will assist in collecting monitoring data both outside of and during student field trips. This will provide interns with valuable research experience and may help inform future decisions on careers or graduate studies.
Specific duties include: assisting program manger with preparation for field work, learn to identify a list of up to 30 marine invertebrates/algae, learn field monitoring techniques, perform in-field monitoring and quality control measures for research purposes, work with groups of high school students in the field and assist them with monitoring exercises. Field work will occur around specific low tides during Winter Quarter and will require up to 3 hours each field day. In addition, interns must complete a short independent project selected with approval of Program Manager.
Interested individuals should email a short letter stating qualifications, position of interest and availability to Program Manager Jessie Altstatt
Winter Quarter positions will be filled ASAP. Spring Quarter positions will be filled by March 1.
Additional details will be provided upon request.
Sama Group

ing to the design of a sustainable living research village at the 17-acre Devereux South Knoll at UCSB West Campus, and advocating for a UCSB Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) amendment with the CA Coastal Commission in order to support approval of the village development.
CCBER Internships
Restoration Internships
In the Restoration Ecology Internship Program, students and volunteers learn restoration site design, implementation and maintenance techniques, native plant horticulture, plant and animal identification skills, and ecological monitoring protocols. Prior enrollment in the Ecological Restoration Field Skills Course (ENVS 95) is required in order to be an intern.
Contact Lisa Stratton for more information.
Museum and Curation Internships
CCBER also offers specialized museum internships for graduates and undergraduates in various departments, including specimen curation and archives processing in the library.
Contact Mireia Beas-Moix for more information.
Research Internships
Part of CCBER’s mission is to improve and develop ecological knowledge and restoration strategies for the region. As such, we often encounter research questions which may be ideal learning experiences for students or community members. Commitments of up to a year are often required to see the process through from idea to funding and implementation. Students are currently working on assessing lagoon water quality, evaluating restoration site soil texture, assessing bird habitat links to benthic invertebrates, monitoring wetland hydrology, and analyzing data sets for patterns. Funding sources have included URCA and Shoreline Preservation Fund.
Contact Lisa Stratton for more information
Education Internships
The Kids in Nature (KIN) Environmental Education program promotes the aspirations and achievements of students in underserved schools by providing quality environmental science education. To fulfill this goal, we recruit and train undergraduates for careers in K-12 science education through the class we teach, EEMB 189/ES 191. Once UCSB students have completed one quarter of EEMB189/ES191, they are eligible to return for additional quarters as KINterns.
Contact Jan Myers for more information.
Intern at NatureTrack
South Coast Habitat Restoration (SCHR)
– knowledge of Southern California flora, and ability to identify invasive plant species
– working knowledge of habitat restoration
– ability to work safely in the field under sometimes strenuous conditions
– completion of college course work in Biological, Environmental Science or related field
Approximately 70 hours
$11 / hour, funding for this compensation is provided by the UCSB Associated Students Coastal Fund
Arroyo Hondo Preserve:
- Habitat Restoration Internship
Santa Barbara Audubon:
- Restoration Intern
Santa Barbara Audubon/Eyes in the Sky
Coastal Peregrine Falcon Recovery multimedia presentation design
Classroom Presentations & Field trips
Environmental Defense Center:
- Environmental Education and Outreach Internship
- Environmental Advocacy Internship
- Development Internship